if [ -z "$AZP_URL" ]; then echo 1>&2 "error: missing AZP_URL environment variable" exit 1 fi
if [ -z "$AZP_TOKEN_FILE" ]; then if [ -z "$AZP_TOKEN" ]; then echo 1>&2 "error: missing AZP_TOKEN environment variable" exit 1 fi
AZP_TOKEN_FILE=/azp/.token echo -n $AZP_TOKEN > "$AZP_TOKEN_FILE" fi
if [ -n "$AZP_WORK" ]; then mkdir -p "$AZP_WORK" fi
cleanup() { if [ -e config.sh ]; then print_header "Cleanup. Removing Azure Pipelines agent..."
# If the agent has some running jobs, the configuration removal process will fail. # So, give it some time to finish the job. whiletrue; do ./config.sh remove --unattended --auth PAT --token $(cat"$AZP_TOKEN_FILE") && break
echo"Retrying in 30 seconds..." sleep 30 done fi }
if [ -z "$AZP_AGENT_PACKAGE_LATEST_URL" -o "$AZP_AGENT_PACKAGE_LATEST_URL" == "null" ]; then echo 1>&2 "error: could not determine a matching Azure Pipelines agent" echo 1>&2 "check that account '$AZP_URL' is correct and the token is valid for that account" exit 1 fi
print_header "2. Downloading and extracting Azure Pipelines agent..."
curl -LsS $AZP_AGENT_PACKAGE_LATEST_URL | tar -xz & wait $!
trap'cleanup; exit 0' EXIT trap'cleanup; exit 130' INT trap'cleanup; exit 143' TERM
chmod +x ./run.sh
# To be aware of TERM and INT signals call run.sh # Running it with the --once flag at the end will shut down the agent after the build is executed ./run.sh "$@" & wait $!
FROM debian:11.3 RUN sed -i "s@http://ftp.debian.org@http://mirrors.aliyun.com@g" /etc/apt/sources.list RUN sed -i "s@http://security.debian.org@http://mirrors.aliyun.com@g" /etc/apt/sources.list RUN sed -i "s@http://deb.debian.org@http://mirrors.aliyun.com@g" /etc/apt/sources.list RUN apt-get update && apt-get upgrade -y RUN apt-get install -y -qq --no-install-recommends \ apt-transport-https \ apt-utils \ ca-certificates \ curl \ git \ iputils-ping \ jq \ lsb-release \ tar \ software-properties-common
# Can be 'linux-x64', 'linux-arm64', 'linux-arm', 'rhel.6-x64'. ENV TARGETARCH=linux-x64